
1340 E - Chukka - Black

kr 12.200

This versatile Chukka boot is a big over achiever. Both the sole and upper materials combine to give you one of the most saught after shoe owning experiences. The Cordovan upper will ripple and wave instead of crease, while the double leather sole with it's steel embedded shank will form to your feet and provide unrivalled support.

Features: Made in the USA, shell cordovan, reverse welt, Double leather sole, Barrie last, E width.

Cordovan chukka. Kanskje verdens mest kopierte chukka modell. En solid og svært markert modell som har svært stort bruksområde.Mest glad i tørre omgivelser da bunnen består av doble lærsåler.Srorfe fôr og cordovan overlær.

Barrie lest, E bredde

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